Hyderabad: On Sunday, Prohibition and Excise officials shut down the upscale liquor store ‘Tonique’ on Jubilee Hills Road No. 36 after its two-year license period expired. The shop operated under an elite liquor store license.
Although the management of Tonique had applied for a license renewal, the department decided not to renew it.
“According to the rules, a license is granted for a two-year period. The license for this establishment had expired, and the management’s application for renewal was rejected, leading to the closure of the store,” an official stated.
The establishment had previously been raided by the Commercial Taxes Department and later by the Prohibition and Excise Department for violating certain regulations.
Prohibition and Excise teams have begun auditing the stock at the store, with the management reporting that liquor valued at Rs. 1.5 crore is currently held at the shop. “The stock will be transferred to another liquor outlet as per the regulations,” the official added.