Hyderabad: In a celebration of India’s rich cultural heritage, the Union Ministry of Culture, Shankarananda Kalakshetra, and the State Department of Culture will present “Tamrapatra Live” this Saturday at 7 pm at Ravindra Bharati. This unique classical dance performance will feature five renowned dancers bringing the exquisite poetry of Annamacharya to life. India’s prominent dancers—Ananda Shankar Jayant, Anupama Kylash, Deepika Reddy, Gopika Varma, and Vaibhav Arekar—will showcase Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, and Mohiniattam.
Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, classical dancer Ananda Shankar Jayant shared, “Senior dancers are coming together to present a program celebrating the revered vaggeyakara Annamacharya. We will delve into Abhinaya and expression through the lens of Telugu and Sanskrit poetry, highlighting stories of Krishna, Radha, Alamelu Manga, and Sri Venkateswara.” She further added, “Each dancer will represent a different style and showcase individual Abhinaya solos that embody the profound Satvik elements of dance. Audiences can look forward to a mesmerizing experience that merges poetic performance with the rich tradition of Annamacharya’s unparalleled poetry.”