The Great AppSec Hackathon 2024, an international jeopardy-styled online application security competition, was inaugurated on Friday, August 9, by Telangana’s Director General of Police, Jitender. Hosted by the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau (TGCSB) in collaboration with the Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence (CCoE) and the Data Security Council of India (DSCI), the four-day event brings together participants from around the globe.
The four-day hackathon is notable for attracting students from around the world with diverse tech backgrounds. The event aims to foster innovation and excellence in cybersecurity, raising awareness about threats and vulnerabilities in application security.
The event will feature 10,000 participants from over 20 countries, competing in two rounds: an MCQ-based screening round and a Capture the Flag (CTF) round. In the CTF round, participants will identify and flag vulnerabilities in a simulated e-governance application.
Winners and top performers will receive attractive prizes, as well as internship and job opportunities with leading IT firms.
The event is part of the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau’s (TGCSB) initiative to promote ethical hacking and combat cyber fraud. From March to July 2024, TGCSB recovered Rs 85.05 crore for victims of cyber fraud through Lok Adalats.