Hyderabad: In honor of Independence Day, City Police Commissioner Kothakota Sreenivasa Reddy and Principal Secretary (Education) Burra Venkatesham conducted an inspection of hidden cameras at a shopping mall on Thursday. This unique initiative, which will be implemented citywide, aims to enhance the safety of women and children, particularly in public spaces.
The city police, in partnership with the Department of Education and NSS students, will conduct inspections for hidden cameras in various shopping malls. Teams, made up of female professionals, will thoroughly check changing rooms, washrooms, and toilets for any spy cameras. A second round of checks is expected to ensure that no cameras are overlooked in these sensitive areas. These inspections will be carried out randomly across both large and small shopping complexes.
The program reaffirms our commitment to ensuring safety for all citizens, especially women,” said the top police official. Venkatesham emphasized the crucial role educational institutions play in raising awareness about these important issues. The event was further animated by a flash mob and dance performances, creatively engaging the audience and reinforcing the message of vigilance and safety. NSS volunteers, education department officials, SHE Teams, NGOs, spy camera technical teams, and crime department representatives were also present at the event.