Dodla Dairy is a public limited company in the city of Hyderabad. The company was incorporated in the year 1995 and its production commenced in 1997. Currently, their procurement is centered in 4 states and its products are available for purchase in 10 states. Their integrated business model provides end to end capabilities from procurement until distribution and marketing in a cost-efficient manner.
Dodla UHT [Ultrahigh Temperature Processed] Toned and Double Toned milk are packed in flexible pouches that have a shelf life up to 90 days. UHT Milk needs no refrigeration until it is opened and there is no need to boil the milk before it is consumed. UHT milk is also easy to carry while travelling.
Dodla Ghee is extracted from cow and buffalo milk. Ghee is produced in three variants – cow ghee, white ghee (buffalo ghee) and premium ghee (full boiled white ghee). We collect and treat cow and buffalo milk separately and do not mix them during processing. Both cow and buffalo ghee are sold in jars, pouches, sachet and tin.
Dodla curd is made from pasteurized milk with selected strains of lactic acid bacteria. It is hygienically processed and doesn’t contain any preservatives. The thick and creamy Dodla Curd comes with a firm and glossy texture. Dodla curd contains all the goodness of milk such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc, iodine and vitamins.
Dodla Butter is made from the fat of cow and buffalo milk. Butter is produced in three variants – yellow salted butter made from cow milk cream (table butter), yellow cooking butter made from cow milk cream and white cooking butter made from buffalo milk.
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