Hyderabad: The GMR Hyderabad International Airport in collaboration with the Airport Security Group of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) organized Telanganaku Haritha Haaram, #GreenIndiaChallenge, near GMR Arena at the airport here on Tuesday.

MP Joginapally Santosh Kumar, who was the chief guest for the event, planted a neem sapling. Approximately 600 saplings were planted by the airport CISF personnel during the event. The saplings planted were of native species and well-developed hardy plants, easy for them to sustain and grow.
Some of the key saplings planted included – Neem/ Azadirachta indica; Pongamia/ Pongamia glabra; Bauhinia/ Bauhinia accuminata; Acacia/ Acacia auriculiformis; Pink Tabebuea/ Tabebuia rosea; Gulmohar/ Dalonix regia; Jacaranda/ Jacaranda mimosifolia among others. These plants will be maintained by the airport under its green initiative.
According to airport officials, the airport has a natural ecosystem that supports the life of various flora and fauna. The management of GHIAL is taking several efforts by maintaining plant nursery, huge landscape, and rainwater harvesting across the airport.