Hyderabad: On Thursday, the State government promoted five senior IPS officers in Telangana to the rank of Director General of Police (DGP). The officers are Kothakota Srinivas Reddy, B. Shivdhar Reddy, Abhilasha Bisht, Soumya Mishra, and Shikha Goel. They will now hold the DGP rank at Level 16 in the IPS Pay Matrix as per the Pay Matrix of IPS (Pay) Rules, 2016.
Following their promotion, the officials will remain in their current positions: Kothakota Srinivas Reddy as Hyderabad Commissioner of Police, B. Shivdhar Reddy as DG Intelligence, Abhilasha Bisht as Director of the RBVRR Telangana Police Academy, Soumya Mishra as Director General of Prisons and Correctional Services, and Shikha Goel as Director General of the Crime Investigation Department. Additionally, Shikha Goel will continue overseeing the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau and serving as the Director in charge of TG FSL, Women Safety, SHE Teams, and Bharosa in Hyderabad.