“Prof M Vijjulatha, the newly appointed incharge Vice Chancellor of Telangana Mahila Viswavidyalayam, has a remarkable journey from being an undergraduate student at Koti Women’s College to becoming its principal and now the head of the State’s first Women’s University. She was welcomed with enthusiasm by the University community and assumed her role on Monday at the historic Darbar Hall on the campus. In an interview with Yuvraj Akula, she discusses her journey, upcoming courses, and more.”
“The establishment of an entrepreneur and incubation center is underway to assist women students in developing their startup ideas and bringing them to fruition. The University plans to collaborate with TCS and partner with T-Hub to support these efforts and prepare students for industry readiness. Additionally, the University will concentrate on launching new courses and providing training in personality development, soft and interview skills, and public speaking abilities for students.”
“Regarding new course offerings, the University is planning to introduce engineering courses in AI & ML, Computer Science and Engineering, as well as BEd, MEd, MPharmacy, BPEd and MPEd courses, all of which are slated to begin in the academic year 2024-25. In collaboration with TCS, an AI lab will also be established. Additionally, the University will undertake several developmental activities, including the construction of a classroom complex and a hostel, each with ground plus nine floors, at an estimated cost of Rs 100 crore, pending Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s approval to lay the foundation stone within 10-15 days. The University strives to empower its students by encouraging them to pursue higher education and research, even though many students are currently interested in securing government jobs such as teaching and law enforcement. The Darbar Hall, which once served as the principal’s office, now holds special significance for the University’s staff and students. The University is currently not authorized to affiliate other colleges but may acquire such authority in the future. All women’s colleges, including residential junior colleges, in the State may eventually fall under the jurisdiction of the University. The main campus will remain in Koti, although a feeder campus may be established for future expansion plans.”